Good Morning BSS World
Good Morning BSS World
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Wiktor Doktór

#98 CPL shares 2024 CEE salary guide

S98 Feb 7, 2024 • 38 mins

In this episode, Wiktor Doktór and guests discuss the preparation of the 2024 CPL salary guide, analyze the IT market in Central Europe, and delve into job and salary growth in engineering and logistics. The impact of AI on the labor market, in-demand skills, labor laws, and generational diversity are also covered. The episode concludes with information on accessing the CPL guide.

Key Points

  • The 2024 CPL salary guide indicates that IT professionals in Poland may now be earning more than their Czech counterparts, marking a shift from the previous year where Czech IT salaries were the highest in the Central European market.
  • AI is having a significant impact on the labor market across Central Europe, with a noted increase in demand for roles in cybersecurity, blockchain engineering, and software development, as well as a push for upskilling and reskilling workers affected by AI-related job displacement.
  • Candidates across Central Europe prioritize flexibility, competitive remuneration, and job stability, with an emerging trend of younger generations setting clear expectations and experienced 'silver generation' professionals also remaining a significant part of the workforce.
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