Good Morning BSS World
Good Morning BSS World
"Good Morning BSS World" is a podcast dedicated to outsourcing and business support services industry. Get ready for a cycle of interesting episodes. Welcome to my World! Welcome to "Good Morning BSS World"!
Wiktor Doktór

#102 Discovering business opportunities in Moldova

E102 • May 26, 2024 • 31 mins

In this episode, Wiktor Doktór, Marina Bzovii, and Andrew Wrobel discuss the IT industry in Moldova. Topics include a detailed report on Moldova, the role of MITP, Moldova's connection with the Asian market, the growth of the IT sector, digitalization of public services, and language skills of Moldovans.

Key Points

  • Moldova's IT sector offers significant growth and investment opportunities, with a favorable tax system and a highly skilled multilingual workforce.
  • The Moldova IT Park (MITP) provides a supportive environment for tech companies, offering fiscal incentives and a simplified tax system that enhances business predictability until 2035.
  • Moldova's digital public services are advanced, with over 50% being accessible online, reflecting the government's commitment to digitalization and the IT sector's importance to the economy.
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