Good Morning BSS World
Good Morning BSS World
"Good Morning BSS World" is a podcast dedicated to outsourcing and business support services industry. Get ready for a cycle of interesting episodes. Welcome to my World! Welcome to "Good Morning BSS World"!
Wiktor Doktór

#99 A business perspective on Ukraine. What does ELEKS do?

E99 • Apr 9, 2024 • 27 mins

In this episode, my guest is Olha Afanasyeva. We discuss the current state of IT industry in Ukraine, ELEKS' global presence, target industries, and company culture. We also delve into the role of artificial intelligence in ELEKS' global reach and Europe's potential in generative AI, concluding with sustainability in AI applications.

Key Points

  • The Ukrainian IT industry continues to thrive with a growing number of skilled IT specialists and significant contribution to the country's GDP, despite economic turbulence and the ongoing war.
  • ELEKS, a company with Ukrainian origins, has expanded globally with 20 offices across the world, providing software development, consulting services, and has a strong focus on AI, sustainability, and supporting women in tech.
  • Generative AI is a hot topic in the tech industry, with significant investments being made to harness its potential, and Europe aims to become a competitive hub for AI innovation alongside other global powers like the US and China.
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